Tribalism in Politics is Not The Answer
Our political problem is not so-called tribalism, the desire to protect one’s own. The reason politicians fail these days and are despised is because their priorities are reversed. Their first and overwhelming priority is to keep their jobs at all costs. That drives everything. They will say and do anything as long as it allows […]
Republican Treachery
Having been disgusted with Republican leadership, it felt good to hear James Comey take Republicans to task for putting up with Trump who is clearly a crook the sake of tax cuts and a supreme court justice. These have been my feelings for the entire Trump presidency. For my part, their behavior has been so […]
There Are No Suitable Adjectives
There is no question in my mind, in retrospect, that the last fifty years of racial progress is a deception. Yes, some things have come to pass: the legal if not actual elimination of segregated schools, the somewhat improved economic state of African-Americans, their forced acceptance in the workplace and so on. But in truth, […]
A Word about republicans
Once upon a time, republicans were sane and civilized. Now, it’s obvious to me there’s no such thing as a good republican. I wish all of them ill.
Our Election Problem is not the Constitution
OUR ELECTORAL PROBLEM IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION I’m old enough to remember how the parliamentary democracies were laughed at after WW II for their seeming instability. We Americans with our hubris pointed to our “superior” stable two party system. Now who’s laughing? Look at the mess our two party system has created. But there is […]
Solomon’s Dozen
The cover for my erotic book Solomon’s Dozen – Confessions of a Dirty Old Man is being redesigned. Watch for it. At release time on Amazon, you can get Chapter 1 – Renee free, a sample of Dirty Sol’s escapades. Or if you’re anxious and don’t want to wait for the new cover, you can […]
The Fake President
I am not excited about parsing words our fake president speaks but i’m happy to see it. In my view, anything that casts negatives on the man is good. He is clearly mentally ill and saying he is unfit for the job is an understatement. In addition to being a nut case, he is dumb, […]
More about Met Pitching
Last night I watched Seth Lugo pitch for the Mets. After giving up four runs in the early innings, the Mets caught up and went ahead, 6-4 Then Lugo pitched his 101st pitch and was taken out. Why? He was in a relaxed pitching groove. He had given the Phillies nothing and was relaxed and […]
The TV Talking Heads Miss the Point.
They say Trump was advised not to begin his term with health care. He didn’t listen. Why, they ask? I listened to an hour of bullshit that totally missed the point. For me, the inference is simple. I suggest that the most important thing to Trump was his hatred of Obama. Everything else was insignificant. […]
Disgusted with Mets
I love the Met players but Terry Collins has to make up his mind who is playing and who isn’t and where. The pitching coach, Dan Warthen, needs to be tougher with his pitchers. And needs to teach them how to pitch. They can throw but they can’t pitch. You can’t be a relief pitcher […]