

The republican party is now clearly racist. They ate up the birther argument and reacted in concert with Trump’s claim Obama wasn’t born in the US. The implication was that when he was born, his mother knew he was going to run for president and so falsified a birth certificate. Considering the legs that this absurd allegation picked up, one can only deduce that the republicans were racist. They had decided to prevent him from doing anything, hoping to eliminate him from the history books. He tried to work with them in congress with obstruction at every turn. Now that he has accomplished many things without congress, they call him an imperial president.
This election season has clearly shown that Trump is a racist, even though some of his best friends are African-Americans, some are Muslim and some are Mexican, a racist attitude if ever there was one. Democrats took a beating in 2010 primarily out of laziness getting out to the polls and because of that, the house of representatives is so gerrymandered that even with a million vote majority, democrats are in the minority. I can only hope that the Trump nomination and his emotionally disturbed behavior and campaign will cost republicans both the senate and the house. But for our nation’s sake, please vote even if it’s inconvenient.

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