
Listen to What? Ignorance?

I am tired of hearing that we aren’t listening to the white people in the middle of our country and that we really need change. Yes we do need change. We democrats have been trying. But when working class voters overwhelmingly vote for republicans, against their own self interest and then continue to vote for the party that has screwed them and wants to continue screwing them they, and unfortunately we, get what we deserve. Washington is not broken. Republicans, yes republicans not Washington, have broken the government by saying no to everything President Obama tried to do. He brought us out of the economic morass despite republican obstruction. Then these same republicans ask for votes, and succeed in getting them, because the government is broken. Unfortunately, Trump does not have the intelligence, character, temperament and principles to bring about the change we need. If there were hope for optimism, just look at the people he is surrounding himself with. I doubt that he will ever be anyone’s president, let alone mine.