
Guns, Guns, Guns.

The concept of backgtound checks for gun purchases is just a waste of time. The bar is so high that one practically has to be in a straitjacket to fail the check. I suggest something that the NRA has always refused to accept i.e. registering all guns – ALL guns. There is nothing in the 2nd amendment that forbids it. In fact, the well regulated militia mentioned in the amendment implies that we should know where the weapons are and who has them. We have Megan’s law which forces sex offenders to register so that people can know where they are living. I know that Megan’s law is abused frequently and that there are people forced to register who are not really a danger, but for the most part the law works. I can also tell you that I am more afraid of guns than sex offenders. I would like to know the lunatics living near me that have arsenals in their homes, sane or crazy. A national gun regustry which is publicly available would do just that. I would like to know for my own safety who the gun nuts are and where they are living. It wouldn’t hurt if the police knew either. That’s what makes sense. But the NRA claims that that’s just the first step toward the slippery slope of taking away guns. Slippery slopes are always used as a contrived reason to stop sanity. The people fighting for gun safety should be pushing for gun registry, not background checks. Otherwise they are wasting their time.